Low-Carbon Energy Networks Explained
Heating homes and workplaces currently contribute to approximately 23%* of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. Transitioning away from fossil fuels and achieving net zero emissions is a top priority globally. Low-carbon heat networks are the greenest heating upgrade, providing a sustainable solution to reduce carbon emissions and move towards a greener future.
Minimising electrical capacity requirements means faster connections for developers and lower-cost heat for end users.

Exceeding Standards from Day One
Our low-carbon energy networks not only provide immediate carbon savings surpassing the Future Homes Standard but will transition to net-zero without the need for further work or disruption and offer a future-proof solution for UK development.
Low Carbon
Our heat networks will achieve 75-80% carbon savings from day one – ahead of the 2025 deadline for Future Home Standards.
As the electricity grid becomes zero-carbon, so will our heat network. There is no need for retrofitting, bolt-on technologies, or adaptations.
Ours is a long-term, sustainable solution. As technologies advance, we can add them to the network. This could include a seamless transition to hydrogen boilers in the energy centre.
Bespoke Design
Our low-carbon energy heat solutions can be individually designed to meet planning preferences or specific site requirements.
Tried and Tested
Our solutions are tried and tested on all fronts, offering customers fair and regulated prices, with lower build costs for developers.
No public funding, loans or grants are needed.